The big three things I like to look at with content marketing tips & Strategies to start out with is 3W’s. Who What and Why.

Who are you talking to? We just want to know who is your customer actually is,

What are their pain points for the problems and then using your content to help guide them through the journey of solving those problems?

Why did you choose us? What were you dealing with when we first made contact with our content and our calls and get that information?

You must address these questions. Try to help some kind of problem with your content. Try to get people interested in the idea of like oh yeah, this brand or this business can help me solve some kind of problem.

Try to build the trust level first. I think that the who, what and why, if you can nail those down, I think your content marketing plan will kind of lay itself out and you can go from there. These are great tips and I think from experience that the pain points that they have the questions about helps you kind of address issue.

What kind of content do I need to create to help answer those questions? You know they’re gonna have all kinds of questions.



How often should you be creating content and your opinion?

I know it’s different for every business and industry, but just in general, maybe just like catch all what would be like a minimum. I think that, ultimately, you want to make sure that you have a consistent cadence.. I think consistency is the top piece there is that it’s about expectations and building a relationship with people.

You can like do two articles and a video.. You can do an article in a video and then social posts.. I think if you just do something at least every week, that consistency over time is what wins: the game.

Consistency is the key and building that relationship with your audience.

Built those trust moments over time.. So I think the consistency of like at least every week doing some kind of content creation and distributing that over time is the winning plan.. That’s. The way you stay in front of people and stay top-of-mind.

Great tip.. and I’d – recommend guys if you don’t have a lot of time, maybe batch it up. Maybe write four articles on one Saturday which are good for a month or month and a half something like that, just to try to get ahead of it.

Always keep an eye on other solutions to create content.

Thanks for reading.


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