Todd Lamb Tactical Fitness Expert


I’ll admit. It was almost scary the first time I tried this new training protocol…
It was literally like watching my biceps pump up like a balloon. And the veins were bulging like Arnold Schwarzenegger’s eyes when he hit the surface of Mars in the original Total Recall…
Crazy thing is my arms stayed fuller and more vascular for 24 to 36 hours every time I used the protocol. And…
I packed a legit inch onto my upper arms in just 4 weeks. And my arm strength just kept climbing.
Yet the thing I like most is that I can add this quick protocol to the end of ANY other workout program I’m using so I can keep growing my arms even if I’m working on some other goal at the same time.
It’s super simple too. Let me tell you how it works and how I stumbled on this insane arm building strategy…
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Believe it or not, all you need to make this simple protocol work is some inexpensive wrist wraps or surgical tubing and about 5½ minutes…

The protocol I figured out is based on the science of managing blood flow. I’ll tell you exactly how it works and why it’s so effective in a minute.

First… Just know that researchers have shown that using this unique new training method can boost your muscle gains by as much as 30% to 300% in 2 to 4 weeks. And…

These massive gains are achieved with next to no weight so you can safely add this to your routine even if you’re injured or you already have a high workload in your regular training program.

Yet I almost missed out on this quick and powerful growth factor…

Now I’m not someone who just blindly believes all the research papers I read. However…

I’ve tested all this thoroughly. And when it’s done right — following the exact protocol I came up with — you’ll end up with results that pretty much match the research…

First of all. On the low end you’ll experience at least a 30% boost in muscle growth on your arms and your legs. That’s already pretty awesome. Yet if you’re in the hyper responders you’ll enjoy gains up to 300% faster than normal. I’ve found most guys fall somewhere in between.

Yet what’s really interesting is when we start looking at WHY the protocol works…

A lot of the magic seems to be due to increases in your male hormone levels. One 2014 study in the International Journal of Sports Physiology and Performance showed a greater release of exercise-induced salivary testosterone using this method.

Another paper reveals increases in Human Growth Hormone as much as 290 times above baseline using the protocol. And…

According to a 2000 study published in the American Journal of Applied Physiology, these massive GH increases are not associated with the serious tissue damage you’d usually experience to get the same boost with conventional exercise.

Which is why this protocol is gaining such an underground following with elite athletes and special operators from SWAT, SSF, the Navy Seals, Delta Force and more. These guys are always looking for an edge that lets them grow without breaking them down. They just can’t afford to get sidelined by injury or even muscle tissue breakdown…

Yet the biggest benefit of this breakthrough training method is really for any guy in his 30s or older who wants the kind of arms that demand respect. You see… guys in their 30s and beyond have to deal with declining levels of essential male growth factors…

Many guys turn to expensive hormone injections or even dangerous and illegal steroids.

I’ve Packed Everything You Need To Add Inches To Your Arms In Just 4 Weeks Into The Brand New Specforce Anabolic Finishers Handbook:

Anabolic finishers bookcover

summary for anabolic finishers

Here’s What To Expect In Your First 4-Week Growth Spurt anabolic finisher pic

Now I know that I’m making some big promises here. And I don’t expect you to just take my word for it. In fact…

I fully expect you to challenge me and try my Anabolic Finishers for yourself at no risk to you. And if you don’t experience the same shocking results I’ll be glad to refund your entire investment in the system. So…

Here’s what I expect for you…

Your very first workout you’ll experience a massive “Popeye-pump” and bulging veins that will pack huge amounts of growth inducing metabolites into your muscle bellies. Then…

You’ll walk out of the gym with the biggest pump you’ve ever felt… and enjoy a fuller and more vascular look for up to 24 and even 36 hours.

And then in as little as 2 weeks and at most 4 weeks you’ll experience noticeable size increases in the circumference of your upper arms. Don’t be surprised if you add an inch to your arms in that first growth spurt…

As you continue to use the System you’ll soon find you don’t even need to “pump up” your arms to look and feel big and powerful because your extra size makes it like you’re walking around with a constant pump.

T-shirts that used to flap around your upper arms will start hugging them tight. And you’ll notice a subtle shift in your confidence as you realize other guys are glancing at your guns with respect and recognition.

Heck, you may even realize how women are subconsciously more drawn to you without them even knowing why.

That’s my guarantee to you. That’s what I want for you. And if you don’t feel like Anabolic Finishers delivers on the promise, then by all means just email me and I’ll be glad to refund every penny. In fact I’m happy for you to try it out for a full 60 days before you decide.

Check it out here

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