Author: Admin

An analysis of existing studies has determined that adhering meticulously to a Mediterranean diet reduces cardiovascular disease risk as well as death by almost 25% in women. Cardiovascular disease is responsible for over one-third of all deaths worldwide in women. Although a healthy diet is an important part of prevention, relatively few women have been included in the majority of relevant studies or the results haven’t been reported by sex. And existing recommendations on the best ways to reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease don’t distinguish by sex. The researchers searched databases for studies examining the potential effects of consuming…

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When you’re getting started with indoor cycling, taking time to become familiar with the movement isn’t the only necessary adjustment. There can be a learning curve in terms of the terminology, like all sports and activities. Fortunately, Melanie Melillo, CPT, is here to give you a cheat sheet for your next cycling class. She shares some of the most common terms for indoor cycling so you can feel like an insider in no time. 1. Fore and Aft A way to indicate how to adjust your seat, Melillo says this will bring the seat closer to or farther from the…

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What is seed oil?Seed oil is any vegetable oil that comes from the seed of a plant. Sunflower, canola, corn, cottonseed, soybean, grapeseed, safflower, and rice bran are all common seed oils, referred to as “the hateful eight” by some social media wellness influencers.Olive oil is considered a vegetable oil, because it’s not derived from the seed of the olive. Although avocados and coconuts are botanically classified as fruits, they’re often referred to as vegetable oils. And, while peanut oil is considered a seed oil, it’s also a common allergen.Omega-3s and omega-6sAll sources of dietary fat are a combination of saturated,…

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688 Pregnancy is a milestone in a woman’s life. Giving birth to another being is considered the ultimate epitome of being a woman. From the yogic point of view, the time before conception is very important. And not just for the women but also for the men. During the time of conception, the mental, physical, and emotional states of both parents influence the quality of the sperm deeply. While preparing for pregnancy, both parents should indulge in a consistent practice of asana, pranayama, and holistic living. Yoga greatly improves the blood circulation of the pelvis and the reproductive organs, and strengthens…

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2020-08-18 15:51:17WP_Comment Object ( [comment_ID] => 260092 [comment_post_ID] => 42774 [comment_author] => Ashley [comment_author_email] => [email protected] [comment_author_url] => [comment_author_IP] => [comment_date] => 2020-08-18 10:51:17 [comment_date_gmt] => 2020-08-18 15:51:17 [comment_content] => In the gluten free suggestions, please note that soy sauce contains gluten. There are gluten free options that can easily be a good replacement. [comment_karma] => 0 [comment_approved] => 1 [comment_agent] => Mozilla/5.0 (Linux; Android 9; SAMSUNG SM-G892A) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) SamsungBrowser/12.1 Chrome/79.0.3945.136 Mobile Safari/537.36 [comment_type] => comment [comment_parent] => 0 [user_id] => 0 [children:protected] => Array ( [260255] => WP_Comment Object ( [comment_ID] => 260255 [comment_post_ID] =>…

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1.2K Urdhva Mukha Swanasana or upward facing dog and Bhujangasana or low cobra, are both backward bending poses. While most yoga students and teachers alike think of these as the same pose, they are in fact quite different. Look carefully at the pictures below. Do you notice any differences between these two poses?   Urdhva Mukha Swanasana/Upward Facing Dog In Urdhvamukha swanasana or upward facing dog pose, the weight of the body rests on the hands and tops of the feet. The knees are off the mat. The chest is lifted, open and expansive The shoulders are stacked over the wrists This is a weight…

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Watermelon is a delicious fruit comes in summer. It contains a delicious bright red flesh as it is refreshing. Watermelon itself contains lots of minerals and vitamins that help to supply essential nutrients to your body. it’s high in biotin, Vitamin C, copper, potassium, pantothen, magnesium, vitamin B1, vitamin B6, and vitamin A. In this article we will talk about the benefits of watermelon seeds that are actually beneficial to your body?Watermelon seeds also contain nutrients, such as iron, potassium, manganese, zinc, magnesium, phosphorus, niacin, folate, and thiamine. They also help with arteriosclerosis, high blood pressure, angina. This is because they…

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As mind-body practices, yoga and meditation provide many benefits. However, if you practice one without the other, you might not be getting the most out of either habit. You can actually enhance your experience both on the mat and on your pillow by combining the two. Here’s how meditation can deepen your connection to your yoga practice and vice versa. Why Should You Practice Yoga and Meditation Together? Meditation and yoga work together synergistically to benefit each other. Some types of yoga, including kundalini yoga and certain forms of hatha yoga, already include meditation in the practice. “In yoga, meditation…

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Let’s talk about LIFT Barbell Strength at Life Time. One of my favorite classes to teach! I love to teach group fitness classes, and I love to write about group fitness classes. I’ve been an instructor for 16 years, and I’ve been teaching LIFT Barbell Strength for 4 years. LIFT Barbell Strength is a Life Time Signature program that you will only find at the more than 175 Life Time locations across the U.S. and Canada. (I’ve been an instructor at Life Time Charlotte for 4 years, by the way, and I love it.) In case you’re wondering what you…

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680 Can Yoga poses help in improving our balance? The answer is YES! The practice of certain yoga poses as well as a general yoga practice will help better balance, both physically as well as mentally. During our Ask Me Anything challenge, we got a few questions about balance and the lack of it. We explore, why balance is wobbly on some days more than others, why certain times of the day we can balance better. And what poses will help improve our physical balance in yoga poses? Watch this video to understand why balance is wobbly on certain days more than others. The main…

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