Author: Admin

Alex & SonjaHi! We’re Alex & Sonja Overhiser, authors of the acclaimed cookbooks A Couple Cooks and Pretty Simple Cooking—and a real life couple who cooks together. We founded the A Couple Cooks website in 2010 to share seasonal recipes and the joy of home cooking. Now, we’ve got over 3,000 well-tested recipes, including Mediterranean diet, vegan, vegetarian, pescatarian, smoothies, cocktails, and more!

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Over the past few decades, juice cleanses have become an increasingly popular health trend. Proponents promise benefits ranging from rapid weight loss to radiant skin to renewed energy—but these claims sometimes lack scientific backing. So, are juice cleanses truly a miracle solution? 01The claim: weight lossJuice cleanses involve consuming only fruit and vegetable juices for a set period (typically three to ten days) while abstaining from solid foods. This can lead to rapid weight loss, but it’s often due to water loss, reduced glycogen stores, and muscle breakdown—not fat loss. Once solid foods are reintroduced, most people regain the lost…

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726 An open letter to all new yoga teacher trainees out there. This is an exerpt from the Aham Yoga 200 hour Yoga Teacher Training manual. “A deep sense of humility will help you learn Yoga. It is important to remember that no one path or school has monopoly over the truth. There are excellent and poor practitioners in all schools of Yoga. Gaining maturity in Yoga practice involves learning to respect the path that other people are on and acknowledging their merits, maybe even acknowledging that your own path is lacking in some area where another one excels”  Geeta…

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These citron noodles were inspired by the Buddha’s hand citron I bought at the farmers’ market last week. I find it near impossible to pass them up, and love their ability to perfume my entire kitchen while I dream up their citrusy fate. The fava beans came from the next stall, and everything else you see here was already on hand at home – furikake, chili crisp, butter, and miso. It all comes together into the ultimate spring pasta bowl. And yes, you can enjoy a version of this using lemon or orange zest. Absolutely delicious! Ingredients Here’s a look…

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Like clothing and hairstyle trends, fad diets come and go, only to return in slightly new variations years later. Perhaps one of the best-known diets that somehow keeps returning to the mainstream is the grapefruit diet. Maybe you watched your mom or your grandmother religiously eat a grapefruit with one of those tiny spoons before every meal in an effort to lose weight. Or maybe you had a friend who would drink a glass of grapefruit juice each morning. Despite the fact that science hasn’t proven the grapefruit diet to be effective, people continue to rely on this slightly sour…

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A New Path: Making the Leap to a Nutritionist Career Switching careers can be both an exciting and daunting process, especially when transitioning into a field like nutrition. Whether you’re coming from a corporate desk job, education, healthcare, fitness, or another industry, the good news is that becoming a nutritionist is an attainable goal with the right education and mindset! Culture’s growing focus on holistic health and preventative care means that now is an excellent time to think about a career as a nutritionist. But what does it take to make the transition successfully? Let’s discuss. But first, let’s take a moment…

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1.2K As a women doing Yoga, I was lucky enough to be with teachers who understood the human body and a women’s well-being very well.  My yoga teachers taught me from day one that certain yoga poses are to be avoided during menstruation. As I made my move from India to the US, I noticed that a lot of yoga teachers do not guide women on how to practice on the days of their cycle. This could be happening for two reasons – The teacher himself/herself was not taught by his/her yoga teacher or yoga teacher training on how to…

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Cumin seeds will not just add a flavor to our food: It can also help cut your belly fat? Cumin seeds have many such properties that can help you lose weight fast and also helps cleanse your body. Even a pinch of cumin seeds can help you shed a lot of weight but you have to try it to believe it!we will share a magical drink with you, that is made with cumin seeds, that can help you lose weight at least 3 times faster than any other drink. We have to prepare this drink before we sleep and keep it…

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2023-01-26 13:36:03WP_Comment Object ( [comment_ID] => 440692 [comment_post_ID] => 80131 [comment_author] => Ramya [comment_author_email] => [email protected] [comment_author_url] => [comment_author_IP] => 2406:3003:2004:2c3c:7422:9d86:23fe:c86 [comment_date] => 2023-01-26 07:36:03 [comment_date_gmt] => 2023-01-26 13:36:03 [comment_content] => Cant wait to make this soon for me i never had no knead honey oatmeal aritsan bread before perfect for my after office snacks love your recipes as always brightens up my day everyday after work [comment_karma] => 0 [comment_approved] => 1 [comment_agent] => Mozilla/5.0 (Linux; Android 9; SM-N950F) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Mobile Safari/537.36 [comment_type] => comment [comment_parent] => 0 [user_id] => 0 [children:protected] => Array (…

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In large skillet, on medium-high, heat sesame oil and sautĂ© chili, garlic, and ginger for about 2 minutes, stirring constantly to keep garlic from burning. Add crushed peppercorns and lower heat slightly. Drain bok choy pieces and, without drying them, add to pan and sautĂ© for a further 2 minutes, stirring constantly. The garlic should start to get crispy, but if it doesn’t, turn heat up slightly. Add vinegar and remove from heat.

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