One of the most exciting kinds of wagering, sports betting allows odds, strategies, and results…
Stress Reduction
Sport-Specific Workouts
When you’re getting started with indoor cycling, taking time to become familiar with the movement isn’t the only necessary adjustment. There can…
2020-08-18 15:51:17WP_Comment Object ( [comment_ID] => 260092 [comment_post_ID] => 42774 [comment_author] => Ashley [comment_author_email] => [email protected] [comment_author_url] => [comment_author_IP] => [comment_date]…
As mind-body practices, yoga and meditation provide many benefits. However, if you practice one without the other, you might not be getting…
Nothing says spring quite like a beautiful, fully-loaded wrap filled with tons of fresh herbs and veggies. Oh, and over 20g of…
Beginner Poses
688 Pregnancy is a milestone in a woman’s life. Giving birth to another being is considered the ultimate epitome of…
1.2K Urdhva Mukha Swanasana or upward facing dog and Bhujangasana or low cobra, are both backward bending poses. While most yoga…
680 Can Yoga poses help in improving our balance? The answer is YES! The practice of certain yoga poses as well…
768 PRASARITA PADOTTANASANA ORIGINAL NAME: Prasarita Padottanasana ENGLISH TRANSLATION: Standing wide leg forward fold (prasarita = spread, Pada = feet, uttana = intense,…
726 An open letter to all new yoga teacher trainees out there. This is an exerpt from the Aham Yoga…