If I ask whether Americans or Indians feel more depressed? What answer would you prefer ? Kindly answer it by yourself.
Most of the research shows that Americans are more depressed due to anxiety. Reason behind that their western culture is different from eastern culture.
Here we are going to explore some of the main reasons and solutions for the problems.
1. Development in technology leads to laziness for some.
2. More advanced technologies fails to address or live in present moment.
3. Chasing mentality than living with what we have.
4. Modernization fails to teach ancient or past history of life.
These are the common things which westernization fails to understand fully. If this all take into consideration then all will be good and America will better in mental health issues.
In India, the people in India are not worrying too much about anything, if anything concerning more effects then Indians will take look into those things. Normally Indians are happy with what they have and live a life in more disciplined manner. Different countries have different cultures, but some countries may overcome their own culture and adopt some new cultures, but in India whatever the culture around the world they don’t adopt it fully.
If you look at present situation in this world,
Without past there is no future and no present.
So these also the reasons of their mentality which they have now.
Further writings will be published on 22.12.2020.
You can expect or want any answers, please let us know by comments or text us through contact form. If you want free mental health suggestions, feel free to speak with us.
Thanks for reading.
Happy life, AK words.