The Health Benefits of Peppermint Tea:

1. Peppermint tea is simply a combination of boiled water and fresh peppermint leaves.

2. Many people enjoy drinking this herbal tea, not only because it tastes delicious, but also because it has a large variety of health benefits for the human body.

3. Drinking this tea regularly helps the body to digest food more efficiently, and therefore is brilliant for weight loss.

4. It also helps to suppress the appetite, so it can be great to drink whilst you’re on a diet.

5. This can also stabilize medical conditions such as irritable bowel syndrome, diarrhea and constipation, bloating, and gas.

6. Menthol is a compound which is contained within peppermint leaves. This is a natural muscle relaxant, which helps to soothe your muscles after a workout, or strenuous day.

7. It also helps to soothe and relax the throat, after long sessions of singing, or shouting if you have to use your voice a lot.

8. By simply inhaling the steam and aroma from this tea, it can help to treat chest congestion when you have a cough, or help relieve the sinuses when they are blocked.

9. Peppermint is one of the highest sources for anti-oxidants, as we know these protect the body from all kinds of diseases from bacteria, to viruses to intestinal worms, and even help ease some allergies.

10. If you have trouble sleeping, this is the perfect beverage. Simply drinking a cup of this tea will help you to drift into a wonderful sleep, and experience more vivid dreams.

11. You can not drink it, but you can also use it as a natural rinse for your hair. This can help with scalp problems such as dandruff.

12. Regular consumption will also reduce oily skin which can often cause spots, pimples, and acne.

13. Peppermint tea contains hardly any calories. There is around 1 calorie in each cup.

14. You can make peppermint tea, by using either fresh or dried leaves. I recommend using fresh leaves, for the very best flavor and nutrients.

15. Mint leaves are one of the highest herbal sources of anti-oxidants and carotene, and are therefore used to create herbal teas.

16. Drinking mint tea aids the digestion process of the body and naturally stabilizes both irritable bowel syndrome and constipation. It has also been attributed to soothe diaphragm irritation, effectively treating hiccups.

17. Drinking mint tea also has strong antimicrobial and anti fungal properties, due to its high volume of natural nutrients, vitamins, and minerals.

You can make peppermint tea, by using either fresh or dried leaves. I recommend using fresh leaves, for the very best flavor and nutrients.

Here is a simple recipe for peppermint tea:

Grab a handful of fresh peppermint leaves, and give them a good wash. Now slice them roughly with a sharp knife. This will help to bring out the essential oils within the leaves.

Add them to a cup of boiling water, and let them infuse for about 2 minutes.You can then drink this tea immediately, or you can strain it if you prefer to remove the leaves.

Iced Peppermint Tea. 

If you would prefer a nice cold drink. You could repeat the process above and then refrigerate the liquid until its ice cold. 

Then add some large ice cubes, and some slices of lemon if you’d like. which is sometimes referred to as peppermint water. It’s delicious and wonderful to drink on a warm summer’s day.

The Health Benefits and Uses of Mint leaves, also known as (Mentha or Pudina in Urdu)

1. All mint varieties are rich in carotene containing approximately one thousand six hundred micrograms within a standard portion. When regularly consumed, mint aids with achieving optimal eye health, whilst reducing dry eyes and sensitivity.

2. Mint leaves can be crushed and used in conjunction with regular toothpaste, to whiten teeth with a stronger effect. The pleasant aroma and oxidization process also reduces bad breath.

3. Menthol is an essential oil that is contained within many varieties of mint. This essential oil is regularly extracted and used in a range of different health, food, and cosmetic products.

4. Peppermint, one of the most common varieties is used in many medicines such as inhalers, to aid breathing, prevent coughing, hay-fever and reduce mucus during a cold or infection.

5. When mint aroma is inhaled, it also helps asthma. The respiratory passages, and airwaves are opened and calmed to allow for a more stable airflow. This can be reproduced at home, by simply crushing peppermint leaves, and inhaling the aroma and menthol contained within them.

6. Inhaling mint aroma also reduces nausea and headaches. Peppermint tea works particularly well in this case.

7. Mint leaves can also be used in other aromatherapy products, such as candles, oils, soaps, and balms.

8. Oils derived from mint can be used in conjunction with other essential oils to provide a pleasing, and relaxing aroma to reduce insomnia.

9. Mint acts as an antipruritic  therefore may also be used as a rub, to provide a cooling sensation to the skin. This effectively desensitizes skin irritations from itching, burns, bites, and stings.

10. Rosmarinic acid is a dominant anti-oxidant contained within mint and has high anti-inflammatory properties. Mint oil and menthol can be used whilst soaking in the bath to reduce aches, sprains and cramps.

11. The gentle aroma of mint leaves, used in aromatherapy acts as a relaxant, reducing anxiety and stress.

12. A variety of mint named Barbed Skullcap kills cancer cells by destroying the blood vessels which supply the cancerous tumors.

13. Mint, used in conjunction with salt and water can be used to create a better-tasting saline gargle, to clear up throat infections.

14. Mint leaves and stalks can be tucked inside a pillow, which your pet sleeps on or in their favorite resting place to act as a flea repellent.

15. Mint is a commonly used herb to cook with. It can add wonderful flavor to many dishes, whilst also adding healthy nutrition.

16. Mint sauce can be made, and is a tasty complement to any roast meal.

The health benefits of a lemon and mint drink for weight loss and more. And a recipe to make this yourself at home.

1. Mint is a fragrant green herb that is grown and used all over the world for cooking and natural remedies. Lemons are often used to aid weight loss and boost health and vitality.

2. When these ingredients are blended to create a special juice, they can be used to detoxify the body and internal organs. This also helps you to lose weight and provide healthy nutrition.

3. Mint contains a natural compound called menthol. This is extremely healthy for the human body and is used to cleanse the digestive system.

4. Lemons have an alkalizing effect on the body and promote healing and restoration of the millions of cells.

5. In modern times, we tend to eat lots of unhealthy foods that are full of toxins and harmful chemicals.

By drinking a glass of mint and lemon water every day, will detoxify your body, and give you a greater sense of well-being.

Let’s take a look:

1 Handful Fresh Mint leaves

 1/4 Lemon 2 Inch Slice of Cucumber (Optional) 2 Cups Water (around 500 ml) Method:

Place all of the ingredients in a blender and process until the mixture is smooth. Do not remove the peel from the lemon, as this contains some healthy oils which are great for your health. Sieve the mixture to remove the fibers and drink over a glass of ice cubes. Be sure to add 1-2 tablespoons of raw honey if you wish to sweeten this drink.

6. The menthol from the mint and citrus from the lemon work together to produce a cooling effect on your body. This is wonderful to drink in the summer when drank over ice.

I hope you enjoyed reading my article, for more stay tuned…………



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