Onion water for Hair loss? Wow, it might sound surprising! Onion water is considered the most affordable home remedy for hair growth. Onions contain sulfur, which is very useful for hairs, because the hair protein keratin needs sulfur for its production. Since it promotes collagen production, and it is a building block of hairs, it improves blood circulation and provides the follicle with the nourishment.

It got high antibacterial properties, which fights against scalp infections and fungus. Onions have the enzyme catalyzes that forestalls premature Hairs graying.Some researches say it increases blood circulation and promotes hair growth, but nothing scientifically proved.
Hair masks and washes:

These are simple, easy, and natural you can use them as much as you want. 
Make sure you brush your hair properly for an even application. 

1. Peppercorn and Onions:

Soaking the peppercorn overnight would make it soft. It has high medicinal properties that increase blood flow to hair follicles hence promoting hair growth. As it is rich in vitamins A and C along with flavonoids and carotenoids. It excessive use might cause discomfort.

Dice a medium-sized onion into small pieces and drop all the ingredients into a blender, remember not to add any water,it should be fine to extract out the juice, it can also be applied as-is, however, the pulp might be difficult to wash off completely. So you can extract the water from the paste.
Dip a cotton ball into the onion water and squeeze out the excess water, section your hair as we have to reach out to every hair strand, and focus on the roots.

Trying to cover the entire scalp right, left and center, dip the cotton frequently into the water for maximum application.

Make sure the water doesn’t get into your eyes once the application is over, slightly massage the scalp for boosting blood circulation, Do not apply the water on the tips as it makes hair dry. Always use your fingertips for massage.

Do not scratch the scalp with nails once the massage is over, tie your hair, or wear a shower cap, leave it for overnight to get optimum results or you can apply it for an hour. Use it twice a week for a few months.Use mild shampoo and conditioner to wash hair, and if the smell does`t go, as it is annoying, try the apple cider vinegar rinse once a week to knock the odor out.

2. Onion water to rinse hair:

Take 4 to 5 medium-sized onions chop the onion into medium-sized pieces, add it to a pan, and pour 4 glass of water.

Bring it to boil on medium flame. Now strain the onion and keep the water aside, now you use the water to rinse your hair after shampoo, try it twice a week.

3. Neem Leaves and Onion Water:
Try this wonderful hair mask with neem leave for hair growth and extra shine. 

Take neem leaves from the stem and wash it, Add to the blender and blend it well,  also add some water to make it a smooth paste.Place a glass bowl in a vessel of boiling water add a few tbsp of coconut oil.Add the pasta and mix it continuously till it turns dark green.
Once it turns dark green pour the liquid through a strainer and keep it aside.

Neem has vitamin E that nourishes hair and makes them strong and healthy. It also has fatty acids that help in nourishing and moisturizing dry and rough hair.It prevents from dandruff, Inflammation, hair loss, and hair breakage. It leaves a nice shiny look too.

Apply this on your scalp thoroughly leave it for an hour or so, and then wash it off. You’ll see great results in just a few weeks.

Make sure that you get plenty of protein in every meal. Some of the best sources of protein are eggs Fish, lean meat, beans and green leafy vegetables. Avoid using hot water instead rinse it with cold water, It should help in sealing the moisture and Prevents from breakage, whenever you wash your hair, use hair conditioner. It will help to protect hair from the heat that comes from Straightening, coloring and blow-drying, conditioning helps replenish lipids and protein inside the hair shafts and cuticles and promote hair growth.

Use proper oils and supplements containing omega-6 and omega-9, which prevents excessive hair fall and also has D-alpha-tocopherol, Which promotes hair growth.
Don’t brush while they are wet, stretches can break hair easily, frizzy and split ends are not good for hair growth. You can detangle your hair using a wide-tooth comb after washing your hair.

I hope you enjoy reading this article, stay tuned for more.

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