This book is written by a Yoga and meditation teacher.The book encourages the reader to incorporate key disciplines into daily life.The writer gives you illustrated yoga sequences,breathing techniques and meditations to help nourish mind and body.It also discusses mindfulness.This book is well illustrated and will help your self care practice.
Yoga – A Manual For Life is written by Naomi Annand.Naomi started yoga after an injury ended her career as a ballerina.Having taught yoga for 20 years,Annand acknowledges the benefits of yoga practice.It has detailed descriptions of many poses including the Sun Salutations.
Yoga Saved my life by Sasha Bates.This book is written by a psychotherapist and yoga teacher.The book discusses the benefits of yoga on our emotional life.The book has stories from the Fierce Calm Yoga Community which give illustrations on the power of yoga.It reminds us of the value of alignment of mind and body.