Cumin seeds will not just add a flavor to our food: It can also help cut your belly fat? Cumin seeds have many such properties that can help you lose weight fast and also helps cleanse your body. Even a pinch of cumin seeds can help you shed a lot of weight but you have to try it to believe it!we will share a magical drink with you, that is made with cumin seeds, that can help you lose weight at least 3 times faster than any other drink. We have to prepare this drink before we sleep and keep it overnight. drink it the next morning on an empty stomach.
Take a glass of fresh water at room temperature. Soak one tablespoon of cumin seeds in the water. Cumin seeds increases our metabolism rate thereby burning calories very fast. This allows it to work not only in weight loss but also helps in cutting down belly fat. The use of cumin seeds regularly, will improve your digestion and will also help overcome gastric problems as well.
Cover it and let it soak overnight. In the morning, boil this cumin seeds water along with cumin seeds. Till it remains half in quantity. Strain this water and let it sit till gets  lukewarm,
Add some lemon and mix it well. Lemon provides our body with Vitamin C. Besides, it prevents damaging of cells in our body. Lemon also helps make our immune system strong and also keeps our skin glowing. Add a spoon of honey. Honey also improves our metabolism. Mix it well.
Make sure that you add honey to lukewarm water only: If the water is boiling, it will kill the useful enzymes present in honey. Honey, when combined with lukewarm water and lemon, can help in rapid weight loss. It mobilizes the accumulated fat in our bodies and converts into usable energy. As a result, we feel more active throughout the day, our overall health improves, and gradually we also begin losing weight.
Cumin seeds water is ready to drink: This will not only improve your digestion but will also prevent diarrhea and constipation. Cumin seeds water also keeps your stomach and liver healthy. It flushes out toxins from your body making your body organs even stronger and you won’t fall ill frequently. This drink will start showing results within a few days only but if you want long term results, then you need to maintain a healthy lifestyle too. Follow any low-calorie diet plan. Drink lots of water throughout the day. Walk for at least 15 minutes every day.
Eating Garlic and Honey On An Empty Stomach:
Let`s talk about the benefits of garlic and honey, when you put them together they can do magic, it`s a great immune booster for your body, my mom use to eat it’s every day normally in the morning before eating anything, so just thought to share it with you.
Garlic is low in calories and high in nutrients: Garlic contains allicin which is shown to lower cholesterol levels and prevent blood clotting vitamin B and C fiber. You might have got a lot of information about garlic and honey, but by putting them together is something different, a study has shown that daily use of garlic reduced the number of colds by 63% while reducing the average length of cold symptoms by 70%.
Raw honey contains more antioxidants enzymes and minerals:Remember when they heat honey to add all the extra stuff, it removes the natural enzymes, it is better to use raw honey for better results. Honey also helps with digestion and it’s a great remedy.
Take one jar of raw honey and about 6 cloves of garlic cut the garlic in a small pieces, I choose to put more garlic in there, but don’t fill the jar with just honey, make sure that you have enough honey to drown the garlic in it, once it done, use it for a week, take  a tablespoon each day, and let it sit in a refrigerator for like two or three days, and repeat again.
Turmeric Tea:
It will also work as a weight loss spice you can lose up to 3 to 4 inches if you’ve this tea regularly. The key ingredient of this tea is Turmeric, and it is utilized in almost every house daily,  it has numerous benefits that work. It will not only works in cutting down body fat and also helps in digestion of food. Take good quality Turmeric powder or use raw Turmeric , but if not available , you can use powder.
Take 1 cup of water and let it boil. Once it starts boiling.
Add fresh Mint leaves: Mint works as a well-know herb for digestion and also increases your appetite. It gives a cool and calming effect to your tea and balance the heat that might be caused by turmeric. Mint also helps in weight loss and also helps get obviate headaches and tiredness.
A little stick of Cinnamon: Cinnamon smells great and full of nutrition and aromatic. It has a natural sweetness and really few calories. Cinnamon works as an antifungal and antibacterial besides others that contribute towards healthiness.
A spoon of grated ginger: Use fresh grated ginger only. Ginger is additionally used as a medicated herb that has been in the past to cure all types of stomach disorders like gas, diarrhea, etc. If you’ve muscle pain, ginger can effectively cure it.
A pinch of ground black pepper:The combined properties of Black pepper and turmeric can cure even the foremost importance of health problems, carcinoma is one of them. So whenever you prepare this tea make sure you add black pepper to it as it increases absorption.
Let this mixture boil for 5 minutes: Now we will add a spoon full of freshly grated raw turmeric. If you want to add turmeric in the form of powder, then use 1 teaspoon. According to researches, you can have roughly 1 to 3 gms of turmeric in a day which is about 1 to one and a half spoon. If you take raw turmeric, it won’t cause any excessive heat in your body. In case of using in powder form it might cause some heat in your body as it’s a warm spice but adding Mint to this drink, won’t cause any harm.
Boil it for another 2 minutes and then switch off the flame, let it get lukewarm, then strain the tea. The tea is ready to serve! It’s very tasty, try to drink it as it is or you may add a spoon of honey to it. You can also add lemon to it. In addition to taking this tea, eat healthy, walk for at least 15 minutes every day, drink lots of water and don’t skip your meals.

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