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Before we going to speak about Stress, You are going to take test now to know, whether you are in Stress or not!.
If you answered ‘Two’ yes for Four questions, then you are in a condition to take care of Stress.
What exactly Stress is ?
Stress is just a natural response of our body and brain. Whenever your demand exceeds than your capacity, it’ll lead to Stress. Whenever demanded situation arises, our body goes to fight or flight response.
Fight response is nothing but acting against the situation.
Flight response is nothing but relieving or moving away from that situation.
Whenever your mind and body in fight or flight response, your body feels palpitation increased heart rate, quick breathing etc…
Around the World many people perceives stress in different ways. Here stress symptoms also vary from one people to other people.
Solution to move away from Stress;
- Follow proper protein diet and exercises.
- Spend some time with your passion.
- Do some relaxing activities like walking or hearing songs or watching favourite movies.
- Do some mindful activities like breathing exercises, meditation, yoga.
Surely this all things above mentioned will be very useful to relieve from stress. Many students in this Covid-19 situation are going to write exams. I just want to tell one thing to all those persons,
‘Stress is just a natural response in our body whenever you feel stressed during your exams take it is as a boosting mechanism or your warning sign to do the work which you want to complete.’
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