Hey guys!
How do you see your calendar? Here’s how I see mine…

Calendar Synesthesia
Basically, this means that I visualize time as a sequence in space. I don’t see the calendar how it looks on a planner or in my phone. Instead, it’s a track like the pic above. The months move counter-clockwise, with the summer months seeming much faster in my mind and the winter months longer.
Weird right? I’ve always seen the calendar this way! NEVER the boxes like what my Google calendar looks like.
Do you see your calendar this way?
I’ve only ever met one other human who sees their calendar NOT like how it looks on their phone or planner. Apparently calendar synesthesia affects 1% of the population so I’m making this vid to try to find my peeps! Where you at!? Why does this happen!? Was there some unique experience we’ve all had? Is it our personality? Is it our genetics!? And also WHY. Scientists still don’t know so I’m coming direct to the humans.