Aloe vera tips that you must adhere to collect amazing benefits for skin and Hair:
Treatment of burns: All it takes from you is to apply the gel to the burn area several times a day. Aloe vera plants can be utilized on the inside and the outside. You can just break off the plant a little bit and put it on your skin, especially in cases of minor burns and sunburn. If you are going in the woods and you are afraid of mosquitoes use aloe vera plant as a repel mosquitoes.
It stimulates hair growth: It removes dead cells from the scalp, allowing hair to grow. The aloe vera gel removes dead cells that clog the hair follicles, and lead to the appearance of dandruff in the scalp, in addition to maintaining acidity balance, and prevents hair loss by protecting the scalp from diseases, which is required for healthy hair.
Aloe vera recipes to stimulate hair growth:
Ingredients: Aloe vera gel and Castor oil.
How to prepare: Mix aloe vera gel and castor oil in a 2: 1 ratio. Gently massage the scalp with the mixture. Leave the mixture on top for a full night. Wash your hair the next morning. The treatment is repeated twice a week.
Removes dandruff: Because it contains anti-microbial and anti-inflammatory properties, It maintains the pH balance of the scalp, which improves hair health. It strengthens and moisturizes hair, in addition to smoothness and shine, and contains protein enzymes, which remove dead cells, regenerate cells, and nourish hair by moisturizing it. Aloe vera recipe for removing dandruff Aloe vera contains scalp removal properties for dandruff.
Ingredients: 4-2 teaspoons of aloe juice or gel. A teaspoon of olive oil. A cup of yogurt.
How to prepare: Mix all ingredients. Then apply the mixture to the hair and scalp as a hair mask. Leave for 30-40 minutes. Then wash the hair with clean water and shampoo. Repeat treatment regularly.
Aloe vera for skin: You can also just wipe this all over your skin. I have little squares that I wipe on my face every day and then put a little coconut oil on top of that and that’s all the moisturizer you’re ever going to need. Soap and aloe vera gel contain many nutrients such as glycerin, sodium carbonate, sorbitol, and others, which are good for the skin and for its internal nourishment, which is beneficial in obtaining luminous and healthy skin. It maintains moisture and contains nutrients and antioxidants that heal burns quickly.
Aloe vera gel prevents the accumulation of harmful substances that aggravate inflammation at the site of the blister, sterilizing the area and accelerating the healing process, and prevents pigmentation and signs after the blisters heal. Many benefits for skin with acne, eczema, and other skin issues.
Reduces skin imperfections and acne: It contains anti-inflammatory, reduces redness, and provides a layer of protection for the skin, because of the sterile anti-inflammatory properties and antibacterial, in addition to sugars that renew skin cells, which heals acne quickly, and prevent sugars resulting in acne scars, especially acute cases, when applying the gel directly to pimples 3 times a day.
It reduces wrinkles on the skin as they age, and also restores freshness and health to the skin. Moisturizes the skin, by increasing the water inside the skin, without leaving it oily, It has a great effect on oily skin prone to acne. Heals superficial wounds, bruises, and insect bites, Because of its abundant anti-inflammatory properties, it calms irritation caused by shaving, so it can be used as a solution after shaving. Reduces stretch marks by using aloe vera gel soap.
Aloe vera recipe to prevent signs of premature aging: Signs of aging such as wrinkles, fine lines, and sagging skin appear with age, but sometimes these signs appear early, so early signs of aging can be prevented by adding aloe vera to the beauty care routine, it contains antioxidants, and it is rich in nutrients, such as vitamins A, B, C, and E, which nourish the skin, and the sugars that stimulate cell regeneration. It can also penetrate the skin to maintain its moisture.
Ingredients: A teaspoon of fresh aloe vera gel. A teaspoon of ground oatmeal. Half a teaspoon of olive oil.
How to prepare:Mix the aloe vera gel, then add oats and mix with it, then mix the olive oil. Apply the mixture to the face and neck. Leave for 30 minutes. Then, moisten the hand, and rub the mixture to gently remove it. Rinse face and neck with cold water. This mask is used only once a week.