Ahhhh….the warmth of the sun…the happiness it brings….everyone needs to Let The Sunshine In!
So many of us stay indoors and forget how important it is to be outdoors and soak up the sun. Here are the many benefits: 1. It reduces stress therefore, can also reduce your blood pressure 2. Produces Serotonin which uplifts your mood and makes you happy so it can detour depression 3. Strengthens your immune system 4. Increases Vitamin D within us to improve good health and fight off illnesses such a Rickets Syndrome 5. Allows you to have a better night sleep with producing melatonin from your exposure to sunlight 6. It can help with various skin conditions such as scleroderma, atopic dermatitis, jaundice, eczema, psoriasis, and acne. 7. Improve your energy level 8. Sunlight can also trigger endorphins to feel good and relieve pain 9. Maintains strong bones 10. For lighter skin people 10-30 mins of sunlight at least 3x/week would be beneficial and if you have darker pigmentation then longer exposure will be good.
Take a look at all of these great benefits the sun does for our mind and body so don’t forget to Let The Sunshine In to feel better, be happy and live a longer life! Enjoy!
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