Building self discipline is not just about improving self control , it is also about building inner strength , resilience and not being super hard on yourself.If you are determined to reach a certain milestone, you need to align your thoughts, values and goals.Self discipline is a skill you can develop,it will also help to keep working on your motivation.To build self discipline,start by setting out small goals at the start of each day eg planning what you will eat at each meal,when you will exercise,your work goals etc.Even if you are not in the mood to exercise ,you can talk yourself into
” just five minutes”,the same applies to doing a work report.The” just five minutes” can be extended to another five minutes etc.Self discipline can reduce stress levels as you overcome the the guilt of procrastination.You may have to set out specific rules like no social media during work hours or at night to help you sleep.Being mindful can help your self control by building greater self awareness,so don’t forget to stop and meditate,do some yoga or Tai chi .
Building self discipline requires consistency and perserverance,but the new habits you build will increase your confidence and life satisfaction .Remember a journey of a thousand miles begins with the first step! See