I resisted the urge to include a chopped salad recipe in each of the seasons, even though I love them so much. They are both hearty and fresh and are a good use of some pantry staples. This recipe starts with salami cooked until crisp and then sautéed with chickpeas and spices to add a warm, soft crunch.
Kitchen Note
To make supremes (citrus segments cut out of their membranes), cut off the tops and bottoms of the fruit so the fruit can sit flat on a cutting board. Use a sharp paring knife to cut off the peel and pith, following the curve of the fruit. Working over a medium bowl to collect the juices, cut between the membranes to release the fruit segments and drop them into the bowl. Squeeze the membranes to release more juice.
Reprinted with permission from Rooted Kitchen: Seasonal Recipes, Stories, and Ways to Connect to the Natural World by Ashley Rodriguez © 2024. Photographs by Ashley Rodriguez © 2024. Published by Clarkson Potter, an imprint of Penguin Random House.