The World Mental Health Federation’s World Mental Health Day 2023 is on October 10th and the official website can be found here.
The theme is ‘Mental health is a universal right’.
Reading from the campaign booklet the key points are:
‘1. The right to be protected from known harms to mental health; a universal right which ap-
plies to the entire population, but especially the vulnerable including children, minorities and
the displaced peoples.
2. The right to access quality and affordable care when a person is struggling with their men-
tal health.
3. The right to freedom and dignity, including the right of choice.’
Although the statement is simple, it is at the same time profound. We should aspire to apply this principle to every person regardless of their characteristics including ethnicity, religion and gender. To live in a world where everyone is able to fulfill their potential in a distant future. That journey has already begun and through the combined efforts maybe we can realise it fully one day. Each of us though can do our part today.